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What is Stopping Me?



Each day, I feel as if something is stopping me from becoming a better person. Is it anger issues? Low self-esteem? Laziness? Stubbornness?


Sometimes I wonder if I am not taking enough responsibility for myself and that I'm being too reactive. I think I need to be more proactive - a lot more proactive. I should really read that book, "7 Habits of Highly Effective People".


Other times I wonder if I am really beaten down by anger and being overly suspicious of others. I know I need to stop seeing myself as a bad person, but I also need to stop seeing every single human being as someone with unkind motives.


I think both of these are my problem.




I realized today at work that I am too detached from others and don't see myself as part of a team. I may act like it to a point, but I don't learn from others or let myself be guided by others. I refuse to give and take like that. It's as though I am far too stubborn and untrusting to do that.


Yeah, I forget - or rather, I fail to realize - that I am part of the world and the human race, not detached from anything.

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