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Satu's Journal

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Does NC get easier?



It can get easier, and it will get easier,




You summon up all your willpower and self-discipline, to do NC perfectly.


If you don't, it won't get easier, and this suffering will become a daily fact of life for you.


NC has to be 100% watertight to work.


A clip from my journal:


"No contact is about two things, and two things only:



1. It protects you from further hurt.


2. It allows you to heal without being distracted by the ex.



Thats all it is, and all it does."



So it does only two things, but those two things are of great importance.



*No direct contact in either direction.

*No sending or receiving of messages.

*Block any means he might use to contact you.

*No replies to anything that gets through your blocks.

*No indirect contact through third parties.

*De-friend or delete from all social media.

*No monitoring of him on social media.

*No 'little birds' feeding you news.

*Tell people that you don't want to know anything about what he is doing or saying.



So if you come back here and say, "He texted me/phoned me/emailed me," you're not doing NC.


If you come back here and say you contacted him, you're not doing NC.


So if you do it, do it right.

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