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Totally Over My EA!



That is correct. Just the beginning of this month, I realized I am totally over my EA. I know, many others on LS wish they could get over their EA's they know that are no good for them.


I don't know exactly how I did it, or what happened, but I have some guesses.


First, I know what you may be thinking: My EA wasn't really that strong. Well, I have to disagree. It was. Anyone that I discussed it with knows so. My EA would always be in my mind. I'd get those internal rushes, etc. Believe me, I know the drill.


However, a LS'r questioned me about the whole ordeal and was very honest about it.

LS'r told me many times it was just fantasy, and not in a berating or belittling manner. That little nugget of insight was invaluable, because I explored that in my head as well as everything else. So since I had the idea that is was fantasy, I worked with that. Applied my hobby toward that idea, getting my emotions I had in my head out into something physical and concrete. And then I thought about that EA by trying to step out of myself and looking in from the outside. It's hard to explain.


But my advice: really try to see the fantasy side of things and be honest with yourself. And learn about your EA as much as you can to replace what fantasy you have in your head about that person with the reality of that person.


But mind you, every relationship is different. EA's included. There is much more to it that I probably should not post here, but if you are someone that wants to lose the EA feelings, feel free to PM me. Maybe I can help.


It's weird: I feel like I lost an addictive feeling, like I no longer crave cigarettes or heroine or what have you. (I don't smoke and have never done drugs, but I needed an example. The only thing I'm really addicted to is sugar and sweets, and I haven't quit those).


In conclusion: I can honestly and completely say I am totally over the EA!


Coming up: Marriage And Divorce


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