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Valentine's Day



It sucked. Both Hubby and I have been sick, so I guess that's the main excuse. But I'm still frustrated. I've been stuck at home and so yesterday I didn't have a chance to get anything for my husband. I was worried because I had made it very very clear that I needed more romance in our relationship so I figured Bob would have something for me and I wanted to make sure to return the favor.


So, I cleaned the house which was really bad and a chore we usually share. I also picked the trash out of the yard from when instead of taking the trash all the way out, he put it on the back porch and the dog got into it. (The main bag was still on the back porch) This was clearly his job since taking the trash out was his chore to begin with. So, I thought it would be slightly romantic for me to do his chores. I got myself fixed up and had some dance music playing when he got home.


So, he comes home. We dance to one song. He says, "what do you want to do tonight?". That was it. I refused to make any suggestions. Not forcefully, just didn't do it. So he eventually decided to take me to the cheap Mexican place for dinner. Then he went to bed at 9pm. I know he's still sick, so I'm not so mad about the 9pm thing, but he didn't even give me a goodnight kiss.


The love letter that I've been waiting over a month for didn't come. I know that means he's forgotten about it. I can't remind him anymore because I've done it twice with no results.


I'm really really trying to focus on Bob instead of John, but he's not making it easy. Everything about John is romantic and I wasn't expecting the same from Bob, but come on!! Despite me having me told him he doesn't seem to get that the forethought followed with action is what makes something romantic. The asking me what I want to do and then having me come up with all the ideas just doesn't cut it. That is totally void of the "I was thinking of you..." romance.

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