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You still linger on my mind



Even though it's been years I still think about you. I've asked myself a number of times why you are the one person that I keep with me and realized it is a question without an answer for describing what makes you special is impossible. Words such as amazing, incredible or spectacular just won't cut it. Even in a crowd of thousands of women I still would have been able to make you out and only had eyes for you.


No, all I know is that at one point I loved and wanted you with every fiber of my being. You showed me it is possible to be accepted and loved one hundred percent for who I am and nothing else. I need to hold on to that knowledge in this shallow materialistic world where it is so easy to grow tired and cynical.


There were no limits to the extent you cared for and loved the people around you. I think that is what amazes me the most as no one I have crossed ways with since has even come close to that. You had your flaws like everybody else but I know that to this day you are surely making the people around you feel equally amazing and they are most fortunate to have you. I just hope they realize it and that you're getting all of that love in return.


I am never going to forget you and a part of me will always care deeply for you. I still turn around to have a second glance whenever I see someone that reminds me of you although deep down I know it cannot be you and it still happens I play that song we used to listen to so much and reminisce.


Maybe one day I'll meet someone as amazing as you and get to love again. But if I don't, I'm glad I got to experience it at least once in my life.


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