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Dreams :-(



Last night I had a dream about John and his new gf. I don't remember all the details but I know I was talking to the new gf and being honest about my feelings for John and at the same time telling her I had no intentions of interfering in their relationship. In my dream it went really well and it looked like the two of us would become friends. In fact, I think we hugged at some point. Then I asked her if she minded if I talked to John alone for a minute. She said, "Yes. In fact I do mind." I was shocked by this. Really really shocked and hurt. For the rest of my dream the goal was to avoid eye contact with John as much as possible. I wanted him to come talk to me as badly as I ever had, and of course he did not. We were at some type of conference, and I finally knew he and his new gf had left for good.


It was like a night of my heart getting trampled on all over again. It really sucked. I feel like I've lost so much headway in one night because of a stupid dream. I feel like crying and nothing has happened in real life.


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Hello. And Bye. Добрый день Всем! Предлагаем Вам подработку в свободное время в uber Убер свободный график - хороший заработк: бонусы: моментальные выплаты Подключение к uber @yauber1607

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