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Micke81's Journal

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Drama queen?



Is that what I am? Is it a constant need for validation? I mean, obviously something is wrong with me. Maybe I'm just bored.


I told John about my dream. He was working late last night which he doesn't normally do now that he's dating his new gf. Anyway, I told him I would let him work as I know he really likes to work and hasn't got the chance to lately. He said he wanted to chat, so we did.


He told me he has been depressed the last two days because he thought he was falling in love with the new gf, let's call her Charlotte (mostly because she looked like Charlotte from Sex in the City in my dream, although not at all in real life). Then two days ago all his feeling for Charlotte vanished and he's been feeling blank towards her. He says that in the last two days it has become clear that Charlotte is not "the one". He said that it's also been clear to him that she is has developed very deep feelings for him and is very much into their relationship. I told him that I couldn't give objective advice yesterday but I was glad to listen. Today marks one month of them dating, so they have/had theater plans and I'm sure something else. John said that if his feelings hadn't changed on that date that he would confront Charlotte with the situation.


Today I didn't log into my instant messaging service until I knew that he would certainly have left work for the date. I figured since today is an probably an important day in their relationship it would be best if John and I had no contact today. But that doesn't keep me from sitting here wondering what the hell is going on with them at this very moment. Gaaahhhh!!! I suppose I have to wait until tomorrow.


I know I'm not running this as a thread with advice because I know what the advice would be and I just like being able to get the situation out of my head, but I'm curious...is anybody reading this? :o

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Hi lady, since I am reading this years after you posted it seems surreal to make any comments. Fact is I wonder how it all panned out for you. I find that after your initial journal entry your subsequent ones have no mention of your husband Bob. Just curious as to whether you are still with him or have divorced him. I think to be fair to both parties it would have been better if you were to have divorced him. He may be happy on his own after a while whereas you would be free to pursue your romantic urges. Just a thought.

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