What do you people mean when they say 'You're too nice'?
They might mean that you're easy to take advantage of, or they at least worry that someone will take advantage of your kindness. Maybe you don't say no when you should, or maybe you give people too many chances. I'm just guessing of course, but that's what comes to mind.
People have always told me that I'm "really nice," but I also got walked on a lot. There's nothing wrong with being nice so long as you know where to draw the line and protect yourself.
Too nice means your easily molded by other people. This means you don't have character and your surroundings dictate your character. If someone needs help you will always say yes or show almost a flawless character.
People like individuals with a blend of character traits and unpredictablity. Instead of investing in your own character, you may seek to please others needs and hide your character flaws to perceive others as perfect and no ones is pure and holsum.
Most celebrities are loved for the imperfections.. this is why bad boys or bad girls get more attention.
Biologically, humans seek security and being too nice does not promote strong decision making skills, leadership, or strength.
Start taking stock in your self and accept your flaws. Tell people no, don't be a superman or that guy who helps everyone.. if anything the broken hero is much better. (Think batman)
Stop being too nice as it will make others around you hide their true nature and their flaws.
If these people hide their flaws and you hide your flaws and you'll never get into deep emotional bonds with others..
You have thus built a shield that prevents you from having deep emotional bond with others without even knowning it.
Hope that helps..
Sweety fish
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