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quankanne's Journal

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well, the doctor said the old man has at most, two months to live, but she'd be happy to see him make it to Easter.


complete renal failure (diabetes) and black lung disease (Agent Orange). How much crappier could it get?


surprisingly enough, he's taking it all into stride, and I have to admire him for that. It's as if he knows he's got certain things to take care of, to whip into shape, then he's free to go after the next big adventure. Of course, he's been ready since my mother died, so death isn't as scary to him as one would think.


and I think that's a special grace to look your impending death straight in the eye and say, okay, I'm ready …

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well, Easter's been and gone, and Dad has proven his doctor a liar. Mostly it's been good days – bad days consist of nausea and sitting very very still so that his head doesn't spin, and all things considered, that's not so bad.


DH is trying to get him to go for a second opinion, because I think he's going to live much much longer than originally suggested. Too bad I can't convince him to move to East Texas, with us, because that'd make it so much easier on everyone involved ...

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