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Keridan's Journal

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I'm in such a foul mood right now. I hate the job I'm working at and I work alone in a huge office. There is no one to bitch to or with. The closest person on my level at the company works over 500 miles away.


I just want to be home spending time with my wife and living off my investments. Unfortunately, I'm not quite 30 yet and don't have enuf saved up to retire now.


I came here because they said this job was next to impossible and I like a challenge. Unfortunately, it may be next to impossible for the peopple who worked here before, but it's easy as can be for me. I get so bored it's hard to work most days. Then when something does go wrong, all the busy work backs up and I'm expected do what the last three people couldn't do at all in 1/3 the time they gave them. Idiots.


Today I just want to scream. They aren't paying me enough to put up with their constant whining, requests, and overall incompetence. I like them as people a lot, but as co-workers I can't stand it. Inefficiency drives me insane.


I would quit and walk away, but it would basically shut this location down until they could rip someone else away from their job across the country to come here and babysit the doctors I oversee. That person would then be even more screwed than I am now.


Anyway, just venting. That's what journals are for, right?


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I'm sorry your feeling this way about your job, I hope things get better for you! Hang in there.

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You'll get through this. If you made it this long, I believe that you will be o.k. You may be down and out now, but in the end, you'll be the one standing on top. Keep holding on, and remember you are doing this for you and your family.

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