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The obsession of being the OW......



To the MW ---- I am the OW, I am the one that you put blame on.... I am the one that you hate.... I am the one that "ruined your family".... I am the one that your H ran too when he felt "empty inside".... I am the one that let your H be who he wanted to be (not the garbage man, the wage earner, the lawn mower, the door mat).... I am the one that LOVES him too


To the MM ---- I am the one you find yourself desiring...... I am the one you find yourself confiding in..... I am the one you share your time with .... I am the one you laugh with .... I am the one you cuddle with ..... I am the one that brings you happiness (at least temporarily)..... I am the one that worries about you..... I am the one that cries over you.... I am the one that LOVES you


To BOTH the MM & MW ---- I find myself as being the one that is doing it all. I am so caught up in LOVE that I have lost myself.... If I am all these things than why do I not feel whole.... why do I feel so empty inside.... why do I feel so lost .....Because I Am The OW !!!


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I am the one who likes drama.


Seriously, how do you really know how the wife treats him? You can only go by what he tells you.

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Seriously.   I was the coolest ever.. that's why his co worker and friend told me bout his affair because he said he said I was too good to him to be treated like this... He didn't have anything to complain about.

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