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Life's little embarassments



It's casual day at my work. Not that I usually get dressed up to come in since most of the time I am alone in my office, but I do try to look at least presentable if a doctor comes in or something. Today i wore a decent t-shirt, jeans, and a pair of sneakers.


This is the day my medical director decides to come in and clean out her office. She is switching to another position. She brought in her 15 year old daughter and they went about their task while I wandered around doing my morning work. I was even a nice guy and helped them carry their bags down the car and similar tasks.


Right about the end of their visit, I ask the director if she wouldn't mind filling out a death certificate for me before she goes. She then proceeds to tell me a joke she heard.


While she's telling the joke about a funeral director, I realize the young daughter's full attention is on me. I wonder why until I happen to glance down. My zipper had appearantly been down the entire time they were here. :o


Yep, lookin real smooth in the office today :p


Ah well, life is amusing sometimes. Even if your embarassment is the reason.

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