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i need help!!!! need guys point of view

Beautiful Inside


ok my bf and i have been dating for almost 2 years now he proposed to me after 5 1/2 months on last vday and since then we've had our share of fights where i have moved out and moved back in a few different times..... he's selling his house now and i still haven't moved back in but i stay the night and all my stuff is at my parents house which thankfully they live down the street from his house.... so its not too much of a hassle to go back n forth for clothes and stuff....however since he's selling his house i found him this new home in palm springs really cute 2 bed 2 baths townhouse 3 story top has a balcony with a fireplace really cute and cozy....well he hasnt asked me to move in with him and i just need a guys point of view on this .....do you think he will eventually ask me to move in with him?...or did i blow it for myself by moving out so many times before.... also i dont have the engagement ring anymore he never gave it back to me after so many of out fights....he also doesnt refer to me as his fiance either just gf.... :(


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try asking this question in guysteachgirls.com they have some great advice giver there.


good luck with everything

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It really depends... It's probably hard on him with you moving out all the time. If he is an independents person, he probably gets sick enough of it that he will not ask you to move in with him. I think you should really talk to him and tell him how much you love him and how you want to be with him forever, if you really do. If you don't, you shouldn't really care if he ask you to move in with him or not. If you do, which I suspect you do, I'm sure he still loves you and would love to marry you. I would suggest having a serious talk with him about yalls feelings for eachother. And one other tip, try and stop all the fighting. It will turn him away from you..

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Queen of Hearts


Marriage is the LONG-HAUL. If you are the type of person that is going to give him back the ring and move out all the time when things get tough, do you really think that he has not considered what that would mean if you were married and had kids in that situation.


It seems to me that you are not able to deal with the conflicts that arise between you too without much flare and drama, and men HATE drama.


If you are willing to live in another house, and still go to his house to give him sex, why would he ask you to move back in? I mean, he has freedom and free sex. You make it easy for him.


Just my 0.02 cents

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You need to just ask him!


Maybe try to talk to him about what month he wants to get married in.


My thoughts are that after all the fighting, he may assume you don't want to marry him anymore.

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ok this is totally off subject..sorry : ( but do u airbrush tan? Im an Aesthetician (skincare) and am always looking for a good sunless tanner. Ur color looks great!!

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If your date compliments you don’t just brush it off, say thank you and do not put yourself down.

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chiquita latina


honestly i think u should sit down and talk with him because u cant keep wondering whats happening it could also be that his hurt from u leaving and he might feel that if he ask to become his finace again that ull walk out in other words he might like if it happened once will it happen again

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