Ghost in this house.
Odd how one person can bring so much life and love into a house, and then when that person leaves, you can still hear the echo of laughter.
My oldest daughter went back home today, and it hurts so much that I can barely breathe while typing this. Whoever said that time heals all wounds has very obviously never truly lost someone that they loved. Every time she leaves us, it feels as though I die a little inside.
I say all the right words for my youngest children and I comfort them, but inside I am just screaming out that it isn't fair!! I know that she is better off where she is, I do know that, but that doesn't stop the hurt from ripping me apart.
After a little bit, the tears die down and the pain begins to retreat back into that dark corner that it dwells least until I find something that has been forgotten by her. A sock, a shirt..something that will again connect us.
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