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What a Cowardly Self Righteous Piece of ****



QUOTE=boldjack;2327123]I'm surprised at you, 2sure. For trying to pull some **** like this......Oh! my delicate yankee ears can't understand all of that foreign gibberish, and I so wanted to communicate with Raul or Pablo, or Ahmed or Ludmilla(pick a foreign name) but My lily-white tongue just can't make those sounds. Woe is me! :mad: I can stomach most things, but Elitism makes me gag. You are part of NY society, so why should you have to learn about other cultures, when they are all inferior and /or incomprehensible . JEEZ!! Anybody can learn a second language, if they really want to.. My 2 year old Granddaughter can count to 30 in French, and will be fluent, by the time she gets to JR. High. I'm sorry, but this struck a nerve.


Seriously, you are out of your mind. I have always been truly ashamed at my inability to speak another language. I cant figure it out myself. I'm fairly intelligent and certainly educated , have taken years of both french and spanish...I just seem unable. I travel extensively, I can get by in airports and touristy places all over the world...I NEVER expect people to do more than they can for me and am always appreciative, generous, and polite to anyone who I have to burden with my ineptitude. My greatest hope is that my daughter doesnt suffer from the same frustration. Talk about Jeez. Some people just dont understand math either...there is no difference.


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