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Reboarding the Crazy Train



First to everyone who PMd me:


I needed that so much I didnt know it. Thank you . You are my friends.


Married 4 years go. He cheated right away. Went through hell, but took no real action.

A year later, he did it again via text messages I found, etc...took all the right steps: transparency, exposure, therapy, etc. Finally reached a happy place and regained trust.


He NEVER stopped. Not for a moment. His behavior escalated over the past three years to some kind of bizarre nightmare. Secret COMPLETE IDENTITY.


This is a man with everything to lose, he is a public figure.


I gave my 10G engagement ring to one of the OW because ...well, she was so broke she was impressed he sprung for a chain restaurant. She told me if I revealed to her H, he would beat her. I gave her my rings.


I have to do what I told him I would do...which is reveal all and bury him. But I dont see the point...I think the best thing I can do for myself...is create distance quickly because he is going to implode.


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